Throwback to… The UAV SHOW 2023

throwback to… The uav show edition 2023 This annual European gathering of drone professionals took place from the 10th to the 12th of October, in Bordeaux, France. What happened during these 2 days of intense exhibition? LINKAIRNOVA CONSORTIUM AGREEMENT SIGNATURE This consortium is seeking to improve our urban mobility and lead experimentations in order to […]
pétanque, session 2023 : mais qui va gagner ? ✨ Innov’ATeam ✨ La Pétanque On dirait le Sud… C’est normal, on est à Toulouse. Et ici, pendant que certains sont en vacances, d’autres jouent à la pétanque entre midi et deux…C’est ça l’Innov’A’Team ! Joueur novice ou pétanqueur invétéré, l’Innov’ATeam s’est prêtée au célèbre jeu […]
olympiades 2022 : qui a gagné la coupe ? ✨ Innov’ATeam ✨ 🏆 Les Olympiades 🏆 Pour la première fois cette année, la team s’est scindée en 2 équipes prêtes à relever tous les défis des olympiades d’un niveau extrême ⚡️(mais pas trop). Et quel plaisir ç’a été pour l’équipe de se retrouver hors du […]
Innov’ATM confirms its development in Africa

INNOV’ATM CONFIRMS ITS DEVELOPMENT IN AFRICA At SHIELD AFRICA 2021, we presented AirSpaceKeeper, our innovative anti-drone solution. After travelling with the official French delegation accompanying President Emmanuel Macron to Rwanda, Innov’ATM CEO Amine Karray and Damien Brugne, in charge of the Drone Transport Industry business unit, took part in the Shield Africa 2021 trade show […]
Innov’ATM in Rwanda with the official delegation of President Emmanuel Macron

Innov’ATM in Rwanda with the official delegation of President Emmanuel Macron In May 2021, Innov’ATM was part of the French President’s historic trip to Rwanda. It was with great pride that Amine Karray was invited to join the presidential delegation to present our innovations in drone operations management to the Rwandan government. This trip marks […]
BigSky operational at CDG Airport

What IS BigSky offering to Charles De Gaulle Airport ? The SNA RP CDG provides air traffic control services which mainly includes the aerodrome and approach control service for CDG but also all or part of approach control for the other sites such as Le Bourget or Beauvais. In order to best support the operational supervisor in managing […]
COVID-19 update

Our lives and habits have been shaken during these last few months of lockdown and social distancing, and since the beginning of the pandemic. We hope that you and your loved ones are in good health. Like many companies, we closed our offices on March 16th and we have adapted our organization to allow our […]
COVID-19 Information

The world is facing an unprecedented health crisis due to the COVID-19 pandemic and it has been heavily impacting businesses and the economy. Our thoughts go out to all those affected by the current situation and to those that work to protect us, to save lives and to find solutions.
Proud Winners of the Passenger Experience Challenge in Athens!

Our business development team is back from the InterAirport Europe Exhibition in Munich with a lot of positive feedback.
Innov’ATM – the CCI Toulouse Haute-Garonne’s “Soft Spot” at the SEPTUORS event

Innov’ATM takes home the special prize “Coup de Cœur” at the SEPTUORS event