COVID-19 update

Our lives and habits have been shaken during these last few months of lockdown and social distancing, and since the beginning of the pandemic. We hope that you and your loved ones are in good health. Like many companies, we closed our offices on March 16th and we have adapted our organization to allow our […]

COVID-19 Information

The world is facing an unprecedented health crisis due to the COVID-19 pandemic and it has been heavily impacting businesses and the economy. Our thoughts go out to all those affected by the current situation and to those that work to protect us, to save lives and to find solutions.


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Innov’ATM is in the news

AéroBuzz featuring Innov’ATM at the Paris Air Lab – SIAE in le Bourget
We were honoured to be at the heart of innovation by our presence on the first edition of the Paris Air Lab on Monday 19th June.
