Innov’ATM takes part into a European project to test cross-border U-space with a consortium lead by Airports of Catalunya
Innov’ATM takes part into a European project to test cross-border U-spaces with a consortium lead by Airports of Catalunya The project, named, was submitted to the call for projects of the Interreg VI Program – Spain-France-Andorra POCTEFA 2021-2027. The project has obtained a total of nearly two million euros and is formed by: Airports […]
Innov’ATM and KMITL collaborate to develop Automated Unmanned aircraft systems traffic Management (UTM) in Thailand.
Innov’ATM and KMITL collaborate to develop automated unmanned aircrafts systems management (UTM) around Bangkok’s airport. Feb 28, 2024 : French Embassy, Bangkok A meeting was presided over by Jean SOL MACHER, Head of the economic section of Bangkok together with KMITL and Innov’ATM. The kick-off meeting related to the Collaborative development of Automated Unmanned aircraft systems traffic […]
How to secure drone medical deliveries ?
How to secure drone medical delivery ? With the new European regulations that came into effect in January 2023, new low-altitude airspace dedicated to drones has been created: U-space. These new airspace areas enable new uses of drones, bringing them closer to populations, cities, and facilitating the transport of goods with enhanced operational security. It […]
Innov’ATM lance DroneMed : son service d’intégration des drones dans la logistique médicale
innov’atm présente dronemed Innov’ATM annonce la création de son nouveau service d’intégration des drones dans la chaîne logistique de la santé : DroneMed®. Innov’ATM, leader dans la gestion du trafic des drones (UTM) crée DroneMed®. Ce service permet d’insérer les drones simplement et en toute sécurité dans la logistique de la santé. Grâce à […]
Innov’ATM and CERBAIR are establishing a Partnership
Partnership announcement CERBAIR et INNOV’ATM, alliance entre la gestion du trafic des drones et la lutte contre les drones malveillants pour assurer la sécurité et la sûreté des espaces aériens basse altitude. A l’occasion de Milipol Paris, événement mondial de la sûreté et de la sécurité intérieure des Etats, les deux références françaises CERBAIR et […]
Innov’ATM is now ISO 9001 certified
ISO 9001 Certification We are honoured to announce that Innov’ATM is now ISO 9001 certified. For us, this certification represents both the recognition of the maturity of Innov’ATM and its organisation, and a proof of accomplishment in the strength and structure built over the years, cornerstones of quality and trust for all our customers and […]
Throwback to… The UAV SHOW 2023
throwback to… The uav show edition 2023 This annual European gathering of drone professionals took place from the 10th to the 12th of October, in Bordeaux, France. What happened during these 2 days of intense exhibition? LINKAIRNOVA CONSORTIUM AGREEMENT SIGNATURE This consortium is seeking to improve our urban mobility and lead experimentations in order to […]
pétanque, session 2023 : mais qui va gagner ? ✨ Innov’ATeam ✨ La Pétanque On dirait le Sud… C’est normal, on est à Toulouse. Et ici, pendant que certains sont en vacances, d’autres jouent à la pétanque entre midi et deux…C’est ça l’Innov’A’Team ! Joueur novice ou pétanqueur invétéré, l’Innov’ATeam s’est prêtée au célèbre jeu […]
olympiades 2022 : qui a gagné la coupe ? ✨ Innov’ATeam ✨ 🏆 Les Olympiades 🏆 Pour la première fois cette année, la team s’est scindée en 2 équipes prêtes à relever tous les défis des olympiades d’un niveau extrême ⚡️(mais pas trop). Et quel plaisir ç’a été pour l’équipe de se retrouver hors du […]
Innov’ATM confirms its development in Africa
INNOV’ATM CONFIRMS ITS DEVELOPMENT IN AFRICA At SHIELD AFRICA 2021, we presented AirSpaceKeeper, our innovative anti-drone solution. After travelling with the official French delegation accompanying President Emmanuel Macron to Rwanda, Innov’ATM CEO Amine Karray and Damien Brugne, in charge of the Drone Transport Industry business unit, took part in the Shield Africa 2021 trade show […]